
  • eva yulija Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan

Kata Kunci:

Variety of Traders Languages in Sadabuan Impres Market


The main problem in this study is in accordance with the background of the problem of research on the variety of merchant languages ​​in the Sadabuan Impres market, a sociolinguistic study in terms of community (social) needs. This research is known that every speaker always takes into account who he is speaking to, where, on what problem, and in what situation. Thus, the place of speaking determines how it is used in the use of language and the speech situation will provide convenience to the ongoing conversation in social community interaction activities. The variety of languages ​​used is usually influenced by several factors, including geographical factors and social factors or community needs.This study shows that society cannot be separated from the existence of language, because language is a means of communication for humans. The variety of spoken language between sellers and buyers in the Impress Sadabuan market is carried out for the purpose of understanding that it is important to know that language variety is important to know and the meaning of the meaning conveyed between the seller and the buyer at the time of the sale-purchase interaction takes place, respecting each other when carrying out an event of spoken language. carried out, is able to convince the topic of conversation so that speech events are easily interested in what is conveyed using a variety of languages.


