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Novel, Dilan 1990, Nilai MoralAbstrak
The purpose of this study was to describe the moral values contained in novel entitle “Dilan 1990” by Pidi Baiq. This study used a descriptive qualitative. The data of this study included the quotes in the novel and triangulation was used in data validity. The moral values in the novel included 1) the relationship of human and himself which consist of maintaining health, confidence being careful, and being honest, 2) the relationship of human and the others which consist of respecting others, helping each other, and respecting elders, 3) the relation of human and the God which consists of worshiping, acknowledging his religion, following the teachings according to his religion, and 4) the relationship of human and the universe which consists of preserving and preserving the universe. Moral values are also a benchmark for human behavior. Moral delivery in this novel can be found in the interactions of each character in the novel.