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Motivasi belajar anak dimasa pandemi drastis mengalami kemundurun, hal ini dipicu dari ketidaksiapan masyarakat dalam menangani situasi yang berlangsung dengan tiba-tiba. Pemerintah mengambil langkah sigap memberlakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh atau yang disingkat dengan PJJ.Tentunya kemungkinan-kemungkinan negatif dalam pembelajaran yang mengakibatkan kemerosotan motivasi belajar anak,karena masih banyak yang kurang bisa memahami materi lewat media sosial dan ditambah dengan tugas yang menuntut perhatian orang tua untuk andil dalam mendampingi anak dari rumah.Tujuan dari kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan kembali motivasi anak selama pandemi lewat salah satu program pembelajaran visit home. Tahapan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan dimulai dari persiapan berupa sosialisasi, setelah itu pelaksanaan lewat penyampain materi dalam program yang akan dilakukan dan indikator keberhasilan dalam dampak program visit home di desa Situmba, kecamatan Sipirok sangat positif selama masa pandemipandemi. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari (1) anak merasa diperhatikan (2) anak merasa dihargai dan (3) meningkatkan prestasi anak.
Children's learning motivation during the pandemic got a drastic decline, this case was triggered by the unpreparedness of the community in dealing with situations that took place suddenly. The government took swift steps to implement distance learning or abbreviated as PJJ. Of course, there are negative possibilities in learning that result in a decline in children's learning motivation because there are still many who cannot understand the material through social media and coupled with tasks that require parents' attention to take part in accompanying children from home. The purpose of this Community Service activity is to increase children's motivation during the pandemic through one of the visit home learning programs. The stages of the activities carried out started from preparation in the form of socialization, after that the implementation through the delivery of material in the program to be carried out and indicators of success in the impact of the visit home program in Situmba village, Sipirok sub-district were very positive during the pandemic. This can be seen from (1) the child feels cared for (2) the child feels appreciated and (3) increases the child's achievement.
Keywords: learning, visit home
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