Kata Kunci:
analysis, anbk, Student ReadinessAbstrak
The problem found by researchers at SMK Negeri 1 Siabu, there are some students who do not have the readiness to face ANBK and the school is also less prepared by the school in facilitating students to face ANBK. This study aims to describe the readiness of students in facing ANBK at SMK Negeri 1 Siabu and to find out the obstacles in facing. The type of research is qualitative research, research informants are students of class XII SMK Negeri 1 Siabu as many as 30 students, principals of SMK Siabu and computer teachers at SMK Siabu, using questionnaire research instruments and interview sheets as instruments. The research responses were 30 students. The results showed 3 people in the "very ready" category (10.00%), 17 people in the "Ready" category (56.67%) and 10 people in the "not ready" category (33.33%). So it can be concluded that there is still a lack of readiness of students and the school in facing ANBK at SMK Negeri 1 Siabu.
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